Keeping your inground pool in tip-top shape

With a little tender loving care, your inground pool can sparkle all year round. Swimming pool maintenance varies greatly through the seasons and is also dependent on climate, but for all pool owners, there are a number of key steps you need to take to ensure that you keep your pool in tip-top condition. By following a regular maintenance program – either by doing it yourself or by engaging a licensed pool maintenance company – you will save both time and money and make the most of your very special asset.

First, testing your pool water and ensuring it is safe to swim in is a vital part of managing a swimming pool. It’s important to monitor the pH balance and chlorine levels regularly, not only to ensure the water is safe, but also to keep the water aesthetically pleasing. If you leave pool water untreated it could cause bacteria, viruses, algae and other organisms to develop in the water. The water will also become cloudy and affect the skin and eyes of swimmers.

Second, the proper use of chemicals is essential for the longevity of the swimming season and for the health of users. Too much chlorine can cause health problems for swimmers whereas too little chlorine can encourage the breakout of algae which can make the water go green. Not only that, incorrect chemical levels can seriously damage your pool surface and shorten the life of your swimming pool equipment.

And third, maintaining your pool equipment and using it properly will ensure your swim season runs smoothly. Anything that moves needs servicing and a preventative maintenance program is the best approach in the long run.

Tips for Summer

Now that the summer season is here, check out these tips for keeping your inground pool running smoothly all summer long:

  • Operate the filtration system one hour for every 10 degrees of temperature if your pool pump is single speed. Two speed pumps and variable speed pumps may require extra hours but are more energy-efficient.
  • Regularly check and adjust your pool chemistry at least once a week.
  • Check and clean the skimmer basket and also the hair and lint pot basket weekly, more often if you have trees and debris on your property.
  • If you take care of your own pool, have your pool water checked at your local pool shop every two weeks.
  • Thoroughly backwash your sand or DE filter or remove and clean the cartridge from your cartridge filter, depending on pool use.
  • Maintain the water level at least halfway up to the skimmer box opening.
  • Clean the pool by brushing the walls, netting debris and cleaning the tile at least once a week. Vacuum leaves and dirt from the floor bottom when needed.

If you have questions or need service, stop by and see us or give us a call at 904-246-2666.